See the coming events page for dates of the next webinars and see Lecture Downloads.
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Webinars from Canada
Friday October 4th – 7:30 pm MDT
Ceres – an antidote for Pluto
Ceres was upgraded to a dwarf planet in 2006, so she is now on the same level as Pluto, who was downgraded at the same time. Finally we have a feminine archetype fit to do battle with Pluto! Ceres is able to counteract misuse of power – she protected plebeian laws and rights from the ruling patricians.
Faye will also discuss Ceres’ role in the Coronavirus pandemic, environmental themes and the problems of the disenfranchised. Ceres’ position between Mars – individual will, and Jupiter – politicians, makes her the ideal goddess to study on issues relating to democracy too.
Friday October 11th – 7:30 pm PDT
The Life Cycle of women – daring to go to the next phase and become dangerous
Using the myth of Ceres as a guide and the astrological Life Clock, Faye will explain the development of different life phases which are marked by biology and rites of passage. Where are you now? And what next?
The world needs women (and wise feminine energy) to step up to the plate to counteract the abuse of masculine power around the globe. To do this we need to be ‘dangerous’.
What makes a woman dangerous?
Women who do not conform to a particular society’s expectations and ideas of femininity, while we might also admire them, are often seen as dangerous and threatening. Not only by men but by other women.
Because of this, women often suppress parts of themselves which they deem less acceptable. These parts, when unacknowledged, can wreak havoc in relationships and our work life as they sneak out anyway. Or they affect our physical health, expressing themselves as illness.
In this talk we will discover what it means to be a ‘dangerous woman’ and we will learn what our inner dangerous woman looks like and what her gifts might be.
We will use insights from astrology, history, culture, and myth.
This talk offers an introduction to becoming more conscious of what it means for you to be a woman in these changing and often challenging times. You will become aware of limiting beliefs you might have about yourself as a woman and the possibility of new choices.
Faye’s Libra 2018 post discusses this topic further.
Past webinars
Ceres as Elixir – and Antidote for Pluto
Available from Astrological Association – see Lecture Downloads
17th-18th April Astrology Student conference – Potions for the Future
Video available from Faye.
Childhood Matters
Astrology provides a unique framework for examining time and cycles. Initial triggers to important chart points set deep patterns. Faye will discuss Inner Child theory and examine planets near the Ascendant to clarify these patterns. Discussing the past helps create healing strategies that can lead to a better future.
Siblings – whether we love them or hate them – they matter!
Hosted by MISPA – see lecture downloads page.
Time to be Yourself
Faye’s webinar discussed using the horoscope to put ‘the real you’ out there. What would you really love to do? And what are your talents? Many people have time to think about this now due to the corona virus. It is a time to be brave and dare to go for your real calling. Faye offered examples from her practice and also covered:
- How to write a resume or linked in profile
- Ideas for colours for your website
And for practicing astrologers (or to help your clients)
- How to discover the best services you can offer and the type of clients that suit you
Faye covers this in her book ‘Vocational Astrology: finding the Right Career Direction’, and in this session she used case examples to illustrate her ideas.
Hosted by NCGR Sacramento
There is a recording available – send Faye a mail if you wish to purchase it.
The terrible forty-fives and other critical ages
A lecture for The Brighton Astrology Circle was online.
The horoscope can be seen as a clock. This idea was developed further in the 60′s by Bruno Huber, a Swiss astrologer who developed the technique of Age Progression and the Age Point which in his view highlights psychological development. Faye will briefly explain the 72-year Huber cycle and provide case studies showing that it has relevance for companies and countries as well as individuals. She has used this technique for over 25 years and has found it one of the most useful tools in the Astro toolkit. Her dissertation for her MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology offered a model for organisational development based on this idea. One of her papers also researched experiences of clients at age 45, a particularly interesting time, using this system.
What time is it? This talk will show you how to tell the time in your life, your company and your country.
There is a recording available – send Faye a mail if you wish to purchase it.
Zondag 5 april 2020 14:00 – 16:30 was online
Er is een opname van deze webinar beschikbaar! Stuur Faye een mail als je het wil kopen.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto: Coronavirus – Pak de kansen!
Voor het eerst sinds 1955/1956 – staan Jupiter en Pluto in 2020 driemaal conjunct met elkaar. We krijgen nu grote kansen, kansen in de hier en NU, om onszelf te ontwikkelen en onze talenten in te zetten. Jupiter heeft altijd met visie te maken, maar nu gaat het om een aardse spiritualiteit, en o.a. de verhouding tussen lichaam en geest. In Steenbok staat Jupiter niet in de wolken maar met beide voeten op de grond en zijn boodschap is zowel praktisch als nuttig. In 2020 is het daarom belangrijk dat we duidelijke en haalbare doelen hebben, en een visie dat praktisch en realistisch is.
Wat geloof ik eigenlijk? Wat wil ik bereiken? Ons gedrag wordt mede bepaald door wat we geloven en Jupiter gaat over onze meest dierbare overtuigingen. De conjunctie van Jupiter en Pluto daagt ons uit om naar onze overtuigingen ‘te kijken’. Onze levensfilosofie, zowel individueel als collectief is rijp voor verandering. Met Jupiter ook driehoek Uranus in 2020, wat we gekoesterd en opgebouwd hebben, onze verhoudingen tot elkaar en ten aanzien van ons planeet, kan nu getransformeerd worden.
In 2020 probeert Jupiter ons iets over de materiële wereld te leren. Hoe kunnen we onze aspiraties en onze ambities in de wereld manifesteren? De planeet Jupiter vertegenwoordigt de principes van o.a. groei, optimisme, geloof en rechtvaardigheid. Jupiter is in val in Steenbok – en toch blijft hij zijn rol als leraar vervullen. Met Jupiter krijgen we de kans om ervaringen op te doen, en we leren vertrouwen in het eigen kunnen te krijgen. De planeet Pluto heeft o.a. met scheppingskracht, omwentelingen en met de wedergeboorte te maken. Om het stoffelijke te transformeren, trekt Pluto geest en ziel door de materie heen.
“Wat geloof ik ? Manifesteer je visie” is dan ook de titel van deze webinar. Deze Nederlandstalige webinar geven Liz Hathway en Faye samen op zondag 5 april. Tijdens deze webinar gaan we de overkoepelende Jupiter/Pluto thema’s uitpitten. Waar liggen de raakvlakken en wat gaat er mogelijkerwijze in het collectief om?
Het kan jullie niet zijn ontgaan: het is Steenbok tijd !
Faye’s webinar: The Great Escape – Looking at everyday addictions using the horoscope
Available to rent at MISPA see lecture downloads page
For a taste of what to expect see Faye’s blog entitled Our Daily Addictions … and for Christchurch.
Faye’s webinar: Vocation and Blocks: What’s stopping you?
Available to rent at MISPA – see lecture downloads page.
Faye’s webinar: Pluto and his Mother-in-Law Ceres
Available to rent at MISPA – see lecture downloads page.
Faye’s webinar: Huber Age Point
What time is it in your life, your company and your country? The Huber Age Point system including a look at the US.
You can order it at Astrology University
Faye’s webinar: Ceres
You can order a recording at Astrology University
Faye’s webinar: Quintiles – what are they good for?
You can order the recording at Astrology University